author: Minimiam
title: embouteillage guest author


Minimiam it's before all a meeting between two personalities which would never have had to meet.

Akiko is Japanese, and, came to France to enter Fine Arts in Paris, to study sculpture. Pierre is French, born in the east of France, in a small village, his passion for drawing toke him, by a combination of circumstances, to enter Fine Arts in Mâcon. Akiko and Pierre will meet finally in Decorative Arts in Paris, in the photography section.

Why Minimiam ? The passion of Akiko for textures, especially alimentary ones, and Pierre's attraction for toys, childhood, and especially a feature of common nature: daintiness!

Which is The photographic language of Minimiam? It meets several writings, several aspects of photography in general. The first, is of course macrophotography, which constrained to work with extremely short depths of field and with very small apertures. The focal lengths distances oblige to work with flashes to profit from a maximum of light and short shutter speeds. Another aspect is the character, from portrait. The silhouettes of Minimiam, thanks to their caricatural character, transmit a direct vision of the action. Nothing is suggested, the attitude is clear, only the context makes it ambiguous. The third aspect, landscape. The small size of the characters makes the surrounding space gigantic, and architecture, the image framing, puts us in presence, consequently, of a landscape where the eye can evolve, examine, stroll.

But what are the Minimiam? A ludic photography intended for the greatest number, to dainty, but also to dainty about images and especially about stories. The expression which returns more at the presentation of these images is "good appetite", an appetite for life I hope.


Text: Pierre Javelle
Translation: Sofia Quintas