newsletter july 2003

guest author
Zosia Zija > «In and out of ourselves»

"i'm unfolding the world. i'm unfolding the world with each and every click of a shutter. and sometimes i'm unfolding this world using words. what is an image of world converted to a series of letters and characters? i don't know. i feel it the same. and frankly, i don't remember how i felt before because of the new feelings, which then arise."

individual exhibitions
Sofia Quintas > Coimbra tem mais encantos

"Coimbra p'ra ser Coimbra
Três coisas há-de contar
Guitarras, tricanas lindas
Capas negras a adejar

colective exhibitions
Não vás ao mar Tónho

"Nazaré dos meus encantos
És praia de pescadores
Onde tão lindas moçoilas
Rendem culto aos seus amores"

photoagenda suggestions 
  • Nova Iorque - pequenas estórias, António Catarino - Museu da Imagem, Braga (até 20-julho)

  • Portraits 1936-1984, Willy Maywald - FNAC Sta. Catarina,Porto (até 14-julho)

  • O Olho Lúcido, Johan Van Der Keuken - FNAC NorteShopping, Porto (02-julho a 02-agosto)

  • Weegee's World, Weegee (Artur H. Fellig) - Palácio Nacional da Ajuda, Lisboa (até 22-julho)

  • As asas de Matam, Marc Ambrogiani - FNAC Colombo, Lisboa (até 26-julho)

competitions new section 
New section of photoagenda, where competitions are presented and the deadlines to deliver works.

Contribute by sending us more competitions that are not yet on the list.

Keep in touch! We’d also like to know your point.of.view
